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Keeping Bindery Equipment Clean in a Dusty Environment

[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Mar 01, 2019 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips

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“A clean machine is a happy machine,” declared by many a bindery supervisor over the years.

Keeping printing and bindery equipment clean in a dusty environment is a big challenge when so many dust gremlins are conspiring against you. Each day you have paper dust, spray powder from printing presses as well as atmospheric dust, pollen and pollutants barging in. If your bindery or pressroom is near a delivery dock, you also have road dust and dirt intruding.

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How to Run 2 or More Scores When You Only Have One Scoring Tool

[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Feb 22, 2019 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips, Folding Machines, Scoring Machines

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It can be a headache, but there are times when it’s necessary to run a scoring or perforating job twice through a piece of bindery equipment. Maybe you have one creasing tool available but this job calls for two or three. Perhaps it’s an equipment scheduling problem and the small folder with one scoring tool is the only one available that day. The headache usually starts with the second pass through the machine, when the operator discovers the entire first pass didn’t register, or is in the wrong position, or is crooked. Worse yet, a customer discovers the problem!

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Perforating Paper - Are You Choosing the Right Perf?

[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Feb 15, 2019 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips, Printing Business

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We suspect this perforating problem happens more often than most printers would care to admit. The short version of the conversation goes like this:

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Four Simple Bindery Equipment Troubleshooting Tips

[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Feb 08, 2019 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips, Bindery Business Tips

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Usually our work habits guide us smoothly through the day. We know without thinking which way to load the paper in the folder, press or cutter. We know by heart all the make-ready steps for dozens of jobs on numerous pieces of bindery equipment. Yet sometimes these good habits can turn against us. Here are four simple things to try when perplexed by your next post-press problem.

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Cold Weather Tips for the Bindery and Press Room

[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Feb 01, 2019 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips, Folding Machines

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With this extreme cold weather blanketing much of the country we figured it would be a good time to review some of our past articles pertaining to cold weather questions, with static being a perennial favorite topic. Some might be surprised at the impact the cold can have on their bindery operations. Here are links to a few articles (including resources) that could help you in the coming frigid months, especially as temps start to dip. For those of you in Hawaii, the Caribbean and other warm climes, go amused!

Static in the Print Shop & Bindery - Is There a Cure?
There may not be any flip-the-switch cure, but there are preventive measures that can keep you from pulling your hair out.

Tip for Beating Static on Your Folding Machine
A few homegrown but effective tips.

Dealing with Dry, Cracked Fingers in the Bindery and Press Room
Tired of having your fingers wrapped in Band Aids from January through April?

Cold Weather Tip for Folding Machines and Technifold Tri-Creasers
Ever leave your folding machine on a Friday in good running order only to find nothing but headaches right after the weekend? If it's really chilly on Monday mornings, or any morning, here's a shortcut that could save you some troubleshooting time on your folding machine.

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Run 2-Up Jobs on Your Folding Machine Without a Split Guide

[fa icon="calendar'] Thu, Jan 17, 2019 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips, Folding Machines

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The question of how to run 2-up folding jobs has many answers depending on the size and layout of the piece to be folded. We get occasional questions about this common layout, that of an 11x17” which folds 1x in half to 8.5x11, then again 2x to a #10 or 1x to a 5.5x8.5. The concept we're discussing really applies to any similar size and fold configuration where one piece folds and trims in the parallel section, which then sends two pieces to the right angle for folding

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Micro Perforating for Laser Printers, Copiers and Bindery Equipment

[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Jan 11, 2019 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips, Folding Machines, Printing Business, Scoring Machines

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Chances are good that customer requests have gotten you involved in micro perforating, whether through in-house perf operations or through outsourcing. It’s common today for end users to run pre-perfed, pre-printed forms (supplied by their local printer) through their own laser printers, copiers or digital presses. Invoices and statements are good examples of this.

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Minimize Folding Machine Push-out on 16 Page Signatures

[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Dec 14, 2018 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips, Folding Machines

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In the process of folding paper we encounter ‘pushout’. As one sheet is folded inside another, the inside sheets naturally have a tendency to push out (or creep out) away from the spine by the thickness of the paper for each subsequent fold. Ideally this is all compensated for in the design stage where printed images on the inside pages or panels are shingled further inward toward the spine as they near the center of the stitched book (or folded piece,) and outer pages are moved away towards the face.

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Increase Folding Machine Production with this Simple Upgrade

[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Dec 07, 2018 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips, Bindery Business Tips

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Do you know your bindery equipment can be made substantially more productive with an upgrade that might not immediately come to mind? We're referring to independent or stand-alone control boxes which allow one segment of a machine to operate independently of the ‘mother’ machine.

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Hand Work in the Bindery - 4 Popular Tips

[fa icon="calendar'] Wed, Nov 21, 2018 / by Technifold USA posted in Bindery How-To Tips, Staff Training

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The old saw about "the more things change the more they stay the same" seems to hold true in the world of bindery and post-press. Sure, technology in our industry is changing on a daily basis, but one thing that never goes out of fashion is traditional hand-work and old-style techniques.

Complex digital printing equipment allows for the production of high quality jobs in ever-smaller quantities. It's precisely because of this decline in quantities that a little old-fashioned bindery skill can often outperform production equipment.

The popularity of these 4 articles proves the point for us...they continue to get a constant stream of hits daily. In case you missed them, take a few minutes to check them out or pass them along to the new folks in your bindery.

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