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May the 'Printing is Dead' Debate Rest in Peace

[fa icon="calendar'] Thu, Sep 22, 2016 / by Andre Palko posted in Bindery Business Tips, bindery resources

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Several times a week I get emails with either the “print is not dead” theme or its opposite, “print is dead”. The latest one to hit my inbox asks “Is Direct Mail Dead?” Sometimes the articles are good and thoughtful. Frequently though, they are headline bait for pointless, shallow blurbs where the only thing that matters is a click.

If search results are any indicator it seems the print-is-not-dead camp is winning. There were 429,000 Google search results for “print is not dead” versus 129,000 results for “print is dead.”

I say the argument doesn’t matter. What matters is what’s happening in our own backyard and the results on our bottom line. Successful small businesses don’t rely on the predictions and forecasts of pundits or the public at large. Taken as a whole, forecasters and predictors of the future tend to be wrong, so why let them take up space in our brains?

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7 Uncommon Print Finishing and Bindery Resources

[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Aug 26, 2016 / by Andre Palko posted in Bindery Business Tips, bindery resources

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Here are seven sites to help you discover things about print finishing you might not have thought you needed to know. They range from the unusual to the scholarly and a few places in between!

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