One of the beneficial things about an abundance of print finishing technology is that we get more flexibility in how, when, and where to finish any given job. Yet that same flexibility makes production planning more complex.
[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Aug 12, 2016 / by Andre Palko posted in perforating, print finishing, production planning
One of the beneficial things about an abundance of print finishing technology is that we get more flexibility in how, when, and where to finish any given job. Yet that same flexibility makes production planning more complex.
[fa icon="calendar'] Wed, Jul 13, 2016 / by Andre Palko posted in print finishing
Print finishing and bindery work requires some ability in math, analysis, memory, imagination, and out-of-the-box thinking. A little competitive spirit helps as well! Summertime is also a fun time so in that spirit, here are some fun puzzles that will certainly test the abilities that form the foundation of your print finishing abilities. If you're good at solving them, give it to a co-worker and see how they do. (That's the competitive part.)
[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, May 13, 2016 / by Andre Palko posted in Bindery Business Tips, Bindery Equipment Troubleshooting, print finishing
Do you like to think you do your print finishing job with an open, objective mind? You won’t feel that way after you watch this fascinating video and read this article.
[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Apr 29, 2016 / by Andre Palko posted in Printing Business, Lean Manufacturing, Organization, print finishing
Here’s an unscientific but important question to ask yourself: How do you feel when you walk into your work space? Your workspace could be an entire shop, or your bindery equipment work area, or an office cubicle. Do you feel good or bad about the surroundings and overall environment of the workspace? If you don’t feel good, you should pay attention. Negative feelings detract from how well you do your job.
[fa icon="calendar'] Fri, Apr 15, 2016 / by Andre Palko posted in Bindery Business Tips, Printing Business, print finishing
Quickly, which of the piles of mail in the photos at the right would you want to open first? The top photo is machine processed. The lower photo shows mail that required assembly by a human being. If you picked the “human touch” mail, you’ve tapped into an idea that can increase profits and make you a hero to your customers. Allow me to explain.