Quick Video Tips for Operators of ALL Skill Levels

How-To Center Bindery Equipment Rotary
Scoring Devices for BEST Results


Tip for better scoring and folding with bindery equipment scoring devices. One of the main factors in producing a proper score (crease) on paper is correct centering of the crease. This video demo shows how to quickly center the score on any type of bindery equipment using rotary scoring devices, including folding machines, scoring machines, and cover feeders on saddle stitchers and perfect binders.


How-To Fold Short-Run Digital Jobs Fast


How to produce hundreds of folded brochures in minutes...without a folding machine. (* Jobs need to be pre-scored. *) Folding digital short-run jobs can be a nuisance. It often takes longer to set up the folder than to run the job, which can interfere with longer run folding machine jobs. Here's a tip to speed up the hand folding process without interfering with folding machine production.


Bindery Equipment Tip - How-To Replace Allen Screws


Bindery Equipment often has hard-to-reach spots where allen screws need to be replaced. This video shows a quick tip to make this frustrating task easy and fast and works with folding machines, scoring machines, saddle stitchers, perfect binders and other types of bindery equipment.


Micro Perforating Tip for Folding, Scoring or Perforating Machines


Micro Perforating on Folding Machines, Scoring Machines and Perforating machines will cause you problems if your operators don't include this little-known technique as part of their setup procedure. Discover how to get flatter, more consistent micro perforations on all types of bindery and finishing equipment.


Tip for Folding and Scoring Machine Shafts


Precision scoring, cutting and perforating tools have tight fits on the machine shaft. This simple operator tip demonstrates how to install tools without damaging either the tools or the shafts.


Delivery Tip for Your Folding Machine


Folded pieces with multiple panels or heavy stocks can be difficult to deliver on some folding machines. The delivery wheels just can't jog the sheets neatly and you have signatures or brochures bouncing around and/or inserting inside one another. Here's a simple, effective tip for handling those problem jobs. It's not pretty but it works great.


How to Rotate Signatures or Brochures on Your Folding Machine Right Angle Section


Perhaps your folding job requires more fold plates than are available in your right angle section. One solution: run the second right angle inline (in tandem). But what happens if space limitations on the shop floor prevent this? This tip shows a workaround.


How to Rotate Signatures on Your Perfect Binder Gathering System


How one perfect binding operation dealt with an 'impossible' web press imposition by changing one small thing on their perfect binding line.


When UV Coating is a Problem on Perfect Bound Book Covers - a Removal Technique


Using hot-melt glue to successfully glue a UV coated cover to a book block can be nearly impossible. Here's how one bindery saved a long-run job by removing the coating at the spine. It's very unconventional, so be sure to follow any local safety regulations if you try this.


Tabbing Inline on a Saddle Stitcher


Here's a really creative bindery equipment rig that combines separate saddle stitching and tabbing operations in to a single high-speed operation.