Are you familiar with our bindery solutions for INLINE Creasing, Micro-Perforating & Cutting OR maybe you need ALL 3 combined in one tool?
Did you know Tech-ni-Fold's innovative bindery solutions offer so much more than just creasing? In fact, our uniquie methods for micro-perforating and cutting are also setting new standards for print fininshing excellence. You can find the right bindery solutions for your current folding machines, scoring machines, perfect binding machines, saddle stitching machines and web press finishing machines listed below...
We have worked hard to produce exactly what the customer asks for and this can be summed up as follows:

Looking for a creasing solution for your folding machine?
For cylinder quality creasing, consider our Tri-Creaser™ EZ-Fit and completely eliminate fiber cracking 100%...
For a faster creasing option, our Tri-Creaser™ Fast-Fit tools can be set 4 TIMES FASTER than other versions...
For producing micro-perfed sheets at 10 times the speed of a letterpress, consider our Micro-Perforating tools...
For cylinder quality micro-perforating AND guillotine style cutting, consider our Micro-Perf & Cut Multi-Tool...
For producing closely spaced creases and micro-perfs as close as 5mm apart, consider our CP Applicator tool...
For eliminating the cost of outsourcing book covers for scoring and more, consider our Spine and Hinge Creaser tool...
Immediate Benefit!
We didn't think the Tri-Creaser™ could be improved but the new Fast-Fit Version means we can save more time and it's even easier to use.
We have purchased quite a few Tech-ni-fold products because there is an immediate benefit to our company in terms of quality finished products and a very fast return on investment. In one job alone the device paid for and even resulted in a small profit, not bad for something that is usually perceived as expense!!
Upgrading to the Tri-Creaser™ Fast-Fit simply keeps us competitive and ahead in creasing excellence.
I have no hesitation in recommending this super new device to anyone.
Phil Fredricks Wood Mitchell
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Looking for a creasing solution for your scoring machine?
For cylinder quality creasing, consider our Tri-Creaser™ EZ-Fit and completely eliminate fiber cracking 100%...
For a faster creasing option, our Tri-Creaser™ Fast-Fit tools can be set 4 TIMES FASTER than other versions...
For producing micro-perfed sheets at 10 times the speed of a letterpress, consider our Micro-Perforating tools...
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