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Tips for Lead Edge Nicking on the Folding Machine

[fa icon="calendar"] Fri, Feb 12, 2016 / by Andre Palko

In the latest Bindery Success Blog video here we review a frustrating folding machine problem—nicking or tearing at the lead edge of the sheet. This primarily happens when you’re creasing or scoring a single sheet, but it can also happen when you’re perforating. The good news is if the crease looks good except for that nick you’re very close to where you need to be.

tips-for-lead-edge-nicking-on-folding-machines-300There are several things can lead to the problem:

• The wrong combination of male rib + female channel

• Machine speed

• Mechanical problems

In the video below we take a quick look at each one and offer some possible solutions. It can be a tricky problem to solve because there are often multiple factors at work. But as with any good bindery troubleshooting process you want to go through one variable at a time.

We don’t cover every possibility in the video. Instead we try to cover the ones we’ve experienced when running most of the popular floor model folding machines. These include MBO, Stahl, Baumfolder, Horizon, H&H, and similar machines.

Small tabletop folders are more limited than their floor-model cousins when it comes to solving such problems. But we do provide a couple of easy techniques to help with lead edge nicking on small folders.

Also there are some small floor-model folding machines with more limited slitter shaft designs that can contribute to lead edge nicks. Even so, these tips offer some alternatives you might not have considered. We’ll also be doing more work on those types of machines to come up with solutions.

So check out the video below. If you have any unanswered questions after watching, use the Contact Us form to send them our way. Or leave your comment or suggestion below.



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Topics: Video Tips, Paper problems, Creasing Videos, Folding Machine Videos

Andre Palko

Written by Andre Palko

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