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Micro Perforating Production Tips for Your Folding or Scoring Machine

[fa icon="calendar"] Fri, Oct 31, 2014 / by Andre Palko

perf-anvil-diagram250This week we have a bindery video for you about how to produce some very high quality perforations on your folding or scoring machine. Most experienced bindery operators and supervisors, when they first hear this, don’t really believe us. We can see it in their eyes…it’s like they’re indulging the whims of some kind but crazy distant family member.

So when we exhibit at trade shows, we like to show actual samples produced using the perforating method we are going to show you now.

In almost every instance, our trade show visitors can’t find the micro perforation because it’s so flat and clean.  Then when they DO find it, they’re skeptical it was actually produced with a rotary device.

With conventional rotary perforating tools, they’re right. It’s not possible to produce the quality of samples we show. Since seeing is believing, we're going to show you how easily and quickly you can accomplish this in your own shop.

If you already own a Technifold Micro Perforator, then this video might help your operators up their game a bit. Producing a great perforation isn’t rocket science. But a little finesse, mixed with some good, old-fashioned craftsmanship, will have your shop producing work that leaves others wondering, “How’d you guys do that?”

Take a few minutes to watch the video below. And if you are interested in adding micro perforating capability to your folding or scoring machine, click the button below the video to request a Micro Perf Sample Package.

We’ll get samples in the mail to you within one to two business days.


 Please Send Me Micro Perf Samples & Info Kit!

Topics: Folding Machines, Micro Perforating

Andre Palko

Written by Andre Palko

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