For web printers in search of in-line micro perforating solutions, here’s a sneak preview of the new alternative in high-speed perforating designed specifically for web presses.
Web presses are in some ways more complex than their sheet-fed brethren by virtue of their high speeds, by web tension and by heating and chilling variables, in addition to the usual ink, paper and plate issues. Perforating and scoring accessories that perform just fine in a sheet-fed printing environment might fail under the different demands of web printing.We’ve had several years of successful field experience with the Web Creasers, dramatically improving the score quality on many types of paper stocks. To make the Web Creaser more of a plug-n-play installation and operation, this past year we introduced some new hardware solutions. It was only natural to venture into micro perforating on the web.
Based on customer requests and input from operators and owners in the field, we developed the new Web Micro Perforator to add this extra dimension to your web press finishing capabilities.One of the squawks we hear about some perf units on the market is the short life of perf blades. We addressed that issue with a close look at the proper materials in both the perf blade and the cutting anvil.
Also available with the new micro perforator are several perf blades designed to produce the proper perf across a range of paper stocks. We plan to start with 17, 25, 40 and 52 teeth/inch perf blades using a cut-to-tie ratio designed to work efficiently on the web at high speeds.Have a suggestion or idea about perforating on web presses? Please leave a comment below…we’d love to hear from you!