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Changes in the Printing and Bindery Industry - Are You Ready?

[fa icon="calendar"] Sun, Apr 18, 2010 / by Andre Palko

An Intro to 'Technifold 2.0' but first, a bit of fun...
Technifold USA on Facebook

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and you're automatically entered in our Technifold USA Fan Page Contest. With one click you could win your choice of a Macbook® or Weber® Stainless Steel Grill. One lucky winner will get to pick one of these two great prizes, each worth nearly $1,000!

 How To Enter

Go to and logon to your account (or sign up for only takes seconds.) Click Become a Fan before June 1 2010 and you're entered. We'll select one lucky winner on June 1 who then gets their choice of prizes.

What is This "2.0" Business and What Does it Mean to You?

Our web presence is evolving with this new Bindery Success Blog, a Facebook Fan Page, and a Twitter connection. What does it mean to you? There are plenty of other changes happening in the industry, so why should you concern yourself with social media?

Visit Technifold Fan PageSimply put, web 2.0 is about interaction and collaboration using the internet. The internet is still basically the same technology underneath, but there are a lot of new tools, applications and software available that change how we use it.
For instance, with the launch of our new website, we've added this blog. Now you can read a post and respond in real time. ('re already participating in Web 2.0.)

Our new Facebook fan page takes interaction a step further. You get and share valuable information, tips and business strategies for your printing or bindery business instantly. It also gives you access to a progressive, solutions-oriented community not found anywhere else on the web. We can talk with each other about our daily challenges and solutions. So even if you don't think you're the Facebook® type we're making it worth your while to try it out by giving a little incentive.

Stay tuned for more! We welcome your comments and suggestions here and on our fan page.  

Andre Palko

Written by Andre Palko

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