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Micro Perforating Tip

Uploaded by Andre Palko posted in Scoring Machine Videos, Micro Perforating Videos, Folding Machine Videos

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Micro Perforating Tip for Folding, Scoring or Perforating Machines

Micro Perforating on Folding Machines, Scoring Machines and Perforating Machines will cause you problems if your operators don't include this little-known technique as part of their setup procedure.  Discover how to get flatter, more consistent micro perforations on all types of bindery and finishing equipment...

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This video is part of a series of educational videos created by Technifold USA for the benefit of our current customers and potential customers...

Be sure to check out our other videos to see more of our amazing tools in ACTION; as well as some amazing Bindery HOW-TO Tips!
Technifold USA Bindery Videos