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Trade in Your Scoring Tools - Get up to $750 Off Technifold Products

[fa icon="calendar"] Thu, Oct 06, 2011 / by Andre Palko

  • Scoring ToolsHave old, unused scoring tools sitting on your shelf?
  • Can’t get parts for your scoring tools?
  • Or are you simply ready for some serious creasing capability in your bindery?

If your folding machine or scoring machine work area is littered with un-used scoring devices, or if you have obsolete scoring tools for which parts are no longer available, you’ll want to check out our new Never-Say-Die Trade-In Program. Depending on what you want to trade in, we’ll give you at least $100.00 and up to $750.00 credit on the purchase of any Technifold EZ-Fit or Fast Fit Tri-Creaser.

Backed by the manufacturer, this new, experimental program for upgrading your bindery equipment can, in many cases, get you what you originally paid for your trade-in tools. Not a bad deal.

If you already have Technifold tools, it’s a great way to add to your bindery arsenal. If you’re just thinking about taking the plunge with our unique finishing products, it’s a great way to save big, and you’re still backed by our One Year 100% Money Back Guarantee.

The fine print:

  1. You’ll need to ship your trade-in tool to our office to get the discount.
  2. We’ll only accept complete sets of scoring tools. In other words, you can’t send me a broken scoring blade and expect a discount. You need to send us the entire unit: male, female, scoring blades, consumables, etc.

How to Get Your Trade-In Discount
Simply ship your tool to our sales office. Click Here for the shipping address.
Or call Gina, your Technifold Trade-In Queen at 973-383-7920 M-F 10-4 eastern or email with your questions.

I’ll be sorry I said this, but Gina loves to wheel and deal and I wouldn’t be surprised if I start to see old cars stacking up in the parking lot…trade-ins for a new EZ Fit.

Since this IS an experimental program, and since we have a knack of doing things, shall we say, a little pre-maturely, it could be cancelled at any time without notice. So I urge you to take the money and run before we realize what hit us.

Topics: Folding Machines, Scoring Machines

Andre Palko

Written by Andre Palko

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